Teacher - Why am I not receiving offers from Job Advertisers to substitute?
Hidden Profile
You may have selected to Hide My Profile which would hide your Sub Seeker profile from all schools. To make your profile visible again, select Show My Profile and update your availability.
You will not receive offers if your availability is not up to date. It is advisable to update your profile regularly to ensure that your profile is visible to Job Advertisers.
Your location may not be correct on your account. Confirm your location under the Location tab on Sub Seeker, and also under Personal Details on your account. If there are no available substitute positions in your chosen county, you may wish to add more counties to your Sub Seeker profile.
Insufficient Information
Schools use teachers’ profiles to select suitable substitute teachers. It is advisable to provide as much information as possible in your profile to facilitate their decision making. We have found that Sub Seeker profiles that contain a relevant profile photo tend to receive more offers than those without profile photos.
You can enable both primary and post primary levels on Sub Seeker.
Iontrálacha Gaolmhara: