Teacher - How do I update my qualifications, experience, subjects etc. on Sub Seeker?

Qualifications, Experience, Other Info etc.

  • Select Add Qualification > Enter the relevant details > Select Save. You can also add other qualifications and certificates by completing Other Relevant Qualifications.
    • If your awarding institute is not available on the dropdown list, add qualifications to your profile by typing into the Institute text box on the Qualifications tab. It is not mandatory to choose from the dropdown list of institutes.
  • Select Add Experience > Enter the relevant details > Select Save. Experience gained overseas can be added in this section by selecting None selected on the ‘County’ dropdown list.
  • On the Other Info tab, you can include any other relevant information about yourself. For example, add a Profile Picture, confirm your competence to teach through Irish and whether you are retired.
If you have registered for post primary level, you can update your subjects through the Subjects tab. Under the Subjects tab, you can also select ‘I am willing to sub for ANY subject’. If you select this box, you will be considered for substitute vacancies for any subject. Please also select the subjects for which you are directly qualified, as you will be given higher priority for those. You can select up to eight subjects. 

If you have registered for primary level and wish to substitute at post primary level, please select the Modify button on the Availability tab. If you switch to post primary, you will be asked to select your subjects.

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