ADVERT ID 230888

Behaviour Support and Learning Specialist


St Michael's House Special School Foxfield

Location 1: Briarfield Villas, Greendale Road, Kilbarrack
Location 2: Swords Enterprise Park
Kilbarrack / Swords
D05AT26 / K67W9Y8


Other Education
Date Posted:
Thu Mar 20 2025 12:49:37
Application Closing Date:
Thu Apr 3 2025
Commencement Date:
Tue May 6 2025
Status of Post:
Number of Vacancies:


Behaviour Support and Learning Specialist
Details: The Board of Management of St. Michael’s House Special School Foxfield for Children with a dual-diagnosis
of Autism Spectrum Disorder & moderate General Learning Disabilities are inviting applications from suitably
qualified individuals for a fixed-term position of Behaviour Support & Learning Specialist. We are a
bi-located school based in Kilbarrack and Swords and the successful candidate will work with children and
adolescents with Autism Spectrum across both school locations. Please see our school website for more information
on our school.

Education Qualifications: Candidates Applicants must be Board Certified Behaviour Analysts (BCBA) or have
completed a Master’s degree in Applied Behaviour Analysis or Positive Behaviour Support.

Experience: Candidates must ideally have a minimum of 2 years experience working with children and/or
adolescents with Autism Spectrum Disorder and complex needs in an educational setting. This must include
experience in conducting Functional Behaviour Assessments, the development and implementation of Positive
Behaviour Support Plans, the ability to monitor the implementation of these and analyse related data, as well as
training and guiding staff members of the school (teachers and Special Needs Assistants) in measurement procedures
and behavioural strategies outlined in PBSPs. Candidates should also have experience in supporting teachers with
identifying student needs and priority learning goals linked to their individual Educational Plans.

Candidates should:
● Be flexible, enthusiastic and committed.
● Possess excellent verbal and written communication skills.
● Have knowledge and understanding of ethical and professional practices in Behaviour Analysis.
● Have experience in communicating with and supporting families in the home setting.
● Experience in programme planning and policy development.
● Be able to work collaboratively with the principal, teachers, Special Needs Assistants, and clinicians.
● Be committed to the provision of high-quality, child-centred services, supporting individuals to access their
local communities and to develop to their full potential.

Candidates applying for this position must forward their CV with a cover letter by email to
Closing Date for Applications is 3rd of April 2025. A list of the roles and responsibilities for this post is attached.

Behaviour Support and Learning Specialist roles and responsibilities
● Conducting functional behaviour assessments and developing interventions and positive behaviour
support plans
● Provision of on-going in class training to all staff in the implementation of the various positive
behaviour strategies for the purpose of providing a safe and effective educational environment for
students with behaviours of concern
● Facilitating meetings and liaising with other members of a multi-disciplinary team, such as
occupational therapists, speech and Language therapists, child/educational psychologists, and
child psychiatrists (through Progressing Disability Services)
● Supporting and training pupil’s parents and families to ensure that behaviour support strategies are
generalised effectively to the home setting.
● Providing support to teachers in relation to learning interventions and reviewing various learning
objectives from the curriculum to ensure that the students can reach their full potential. This may
include being involved in the IEP process.
● Reviewing classroom management strategies providing recommendations to class teams.
● Supporting the transition of new pupils into the school by reaching out to other stakeholders (i.e.
parents, staff in previous school settings) and gathering relevant information on the pupils.
● Providing support to students of school leaver age in their transition to an appropriate adult service
placements. Assisting teachers in organising and overseeing a transition process when necessary.
● Conducting workshops, training in-service presentation and in-class training for teachers and Special
Needs Assistants.
● Administration duties in the maintenance of student records of Behaviour Support Plans, the
behaviour data pertaining to these plans, writing and maintaining record of recommendation for
each student and providing written reports to the school’s Board of Management.


  • Letter of Application

  • Referees (name, role, contact no.)

  • CV (Digital)

Applications may be submitted by

  • Email


Apply To:
Location 1: Briarfield Villas, Greendale Road, Kilbarrack
Location 2: Swords Enterprise Park
Kilbarrack / Swords
D05AT26 / K67W9Y8
Postal District:
County Dublin